Source code for pyfy.excs

import pprint
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SpotifyError(Exception): """ Base error class for ApiError and AuthError """ def _build_super_msg(self, msg, http_res, http_req, e): if not http_req and not http_res and not e: return msg elif ( getattr(http_res, "status_code", None) == 400 and http_req ): # If bad request or not found, show url and data body = or http_req.json return "\nError msg: {}\nHTTP Error: 400-Bad request\nRequest URL: {}\nRequest body: {}\nRequest headers: {}".format( msg, http_req.url, pprint.pformat(body), pprint.pformat(http_req.headers), ) elif getattr(http_res, "status_code", None) == 401 and http_req: return "\nError msg: {}\nHTTP Error: {}.\nRequest headers: {}".format( msg, http_res.status_code, pprint.pformat(http_req.headers) ) elif getattr(http_res, "status_code", None) == 403 and http_req: body = or http_req.json return "\nError msg: {}\nHTTP Error: 403-Forbidden\nRequest URL: {}\nRequest body: {}\nRequest headers: {}".format( msg, http_req.url, pprint.pformat(body), pprint.pformat(http_req.headers), ) elif getattr(http_res, "status_code", None) == 404 and http_req: body = or http_req.json return "\nError msg: {}\nHTTP Error: 404-Resource not found\nRequest URL: {}\nRequest body: {}".format( msg, http_req.url, pprint.pformat(body) ) return pprint.pformat( { "msg": msg, "http_response": http_res.__dict__, "http_request": http_req.__dict__, "original exception": e, } )
[docs]class ApiError(SpotifyError): """ Almost any HTTP error other than 401 raises this error // regular error object Attributes: msg (str): Error msg returned from Spotify http_response: Full HTTP response http_request: Full HTTP request that caused this error code (int): HTTP status code """ def __init__(self, msg, http_response=None, http_request=None, e=None): self.msg = msg self.http_response = http_response self.http_request = http_request self.code = getattr(http_response, "status_code", None) super_msg = self._build_super_msg(msg, http_response, http_request, e) logger.error(super_msg) super(ApiError, self).__init__(super_msg)
[docs]class AuthError(SpotifyError): """ Raised when a 401 or any Authentication error is encountered // authentication error object Attributes: msg (str): Error msg returned from Spotify http_response: Full HTTP response http_request: Full HTTP request that caused this error code (int): HTTP status code """ def __init__(self, msg, http_response=None, http_request=None, e=None): self.msg = msg self.http_response = http_response self.http_request = http_request self.code = getattr(http_response, "status_code", None) super_msg = self._build_super_msg(msg, http_response, http_request, e) logger.error(super_msg) super(AuthError, self).__init__(super_msg)
class _TooManyRequests(ApiError): pass